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New version 3 of Python-YSFReflector (pYSFReflector3) published!

This article has not been updated for a long time and may be outdated

A few days ago the actual version 3 of Python YSFReflector (pYSFReflector3) is released by IU5JAE on github. You can find the project at:

Here are some key-features in short:

pYSF3 is a YSF C4FM Multi-stream reflector with DG ID management, open source, written in python3. This means that this reflector-system similar to the YCS Reflector system provides a number of reflector-rooms that can be addressed by different DG-IDs when connected to the system.

It delivers a very nice dashboard provided with the reflector-sources that needs a web-server with php-support. More on features and requirements see the project-side at github (link above).

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